步驟一、 | 由疾病診斷組動物疾病診斷中心統一窗口收件(來源有開業獸醫師、畜牧場農戶、飼養寵物畜主、動物園、全省各縣市家畜動物疾病防疫(治)所等) |
Step 1. | All cases are directly sent to Animal Disease diagnostic Center, Epidemiology Research Center. (Source: practices, livestock, pet owners, zoo, counties animal diseases control centers) |
步驟二、 | 依病例需要分送至各動物疾病診斷實驗室。進行一系列臨床病理、解剖、微生物學及組織病理學等檢驗工作。 |
Step 1. | Allocate cases to different animal diseases diagnosis laboratory, then proceed test of clinical pathology, anatomy, histopatholgoy, and microbiolog |
步驟三、 | 由動物疾病診斷中心病理室彙整檢驗結果確診疾病及研擬防治方法,函覆送檢單位。 |
Step 1. | Collect all data, and then send final diagnosis to those units, which sent cases. |
步驟四、 | 掌控及追蹤畜牧場疫情,執行教育推廣任務。 |
Step 1. | Control and investigate diseases of animal farm, and train all units. |